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Omslagsbild för Healing the Astrologer´s World: Astrology in a Global perspective
Isbn: 978-91-7785-204-9
Förlag: Books on Demand
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2018


Healing the Astrologer´s World: Astrology in a Global perspective

For those who dare, this is a very different and challenging book on the subject of astrology that is not limited to merely your sun signs and all other astrological phenomena. Here you will also find interpretations of the future and of the human civilisation’s past as well as serious Child Horoscopes, Relationship Interpretations and a global view of the state of the world today. Many stories are in autobiographical form from the astrologer's own life and meetings with mediums and colleagues, as well as a deeper analysis of several taboo-affected areas, such as anxiety and life-crises, the influence of drugs, the significance of death, and our perception of God and Hell. In short, it is an extensive astrological analysis of life's many facets.

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